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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Biggest Blow to the Immune System

Fear is from the enemy. He wants your life! He wants to make you sick with worry, doubts, troubles and more fear. Fear will make you sick! It drains the life out of you. It takes the wonderful Immune System God created in you, and turns it against you. Instead of fighting the everyday stresses, accidental breathing in of some toxic fumes, or the overindulgence of Oreo Cookies- it begins fighting your own cells.

If a person is in perfect peace. Has a strong Faith in Y'shua (Jesus), your body will take the food it eats, the air it breathes, and the water it receives and work the way it's designed. If you are filled with all kinds of horrible thoughts, you are flooding bad toxins in your system 24/ 7. It's much worse than the slip up you had in your diet. It's much worse than eating a non-Organic Salad for lunch. The toxins from fear are destroyers!

Ok, Now didn't mean to frighten everyone. Just wanted to share the importance there is in Not LIVING IN Fear. Proverbs 17:22 says "A merry heart doeth good like medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

A merry heart!! That's awesome! I can afford a merry heart! I don't have to pay for anything to have a merry heart!

So where am I going with all this? I am a Herbalist and a Young Living Distributor. I believe that God gave us the plants because they help combat and rid toxins in our bodies. If God hadn't given us the wonderful herbs, I would be so sick. It's taken time for my faith to grow. In that time, I have depended on his wonderful plants to repair my body.. while my spirit and soul fought to overcome fears in my life.

My favorite oil for anointing and combating fear is VALOR-
Valor is Spruce, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, and Rosewood. It smells so good!
Here is what the Bible says about Frankincense. Matthew 2:11
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.
Frankincense and Myrrh were gifts to the Most High. We who have accepted our Savior are sons and daughters of the most high. Our Father presents these gifts to us as well. I thank God that he sought fit to give me help with his plants. I pray that I can help others overcome their fears and sickness!
member number 1048546

Monday, November 18, 2013

Loving Your Liver

FACTS About the Liver
-About 1/4th of your total blood volume passes through your liver, every minute
-It is the largest organ in the body, essential for life
-It produces bile to help absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins
-It removes or neutralizes poisons from the blood
-It removes germs and bacteria from the blood
-It makes proteins that regulate blood clotting.

Signs that could indicate a stressed or liver include:
1. Mood and behavior swings
2. Gallbladder problems
3. Rashes
4. Hormonal Imbalance
5. Chemical Intolerance
6. Skin blemishes
7. Sugar Cravings
8. Bad breath.......
JuvaFlex is one of many great Young Living products that helps support the Liver. This oil blend is a combination of Sesame seed oil, fennel, geranium, rosemary, Roman Chamomile, blue tansy and helichrysum.

This blend can be applied topically to the liver area, or taken as a supplement. It may help in breaking addictions to coffee, alcohol, drugs and tobacco. It also smells great and has an amazing blue color from the blue tansy.

Foods that you can eat to keep your liver healthy- Walnuts, flaxseed and purslane, a bitter green vegetable, are excellent plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s contain two specific types of lipids, resolvins and protectins, that may protect against fatty liver disease. Animal-based sources of omega-3s are salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and other fatty cold-water fish.

Garlic, Onions, Egg Yolks (organic is best) are also great sources of sulphur which helps the liver detoxify from a range of chemical pollutants, including some prescription and over-the-counter medications, states

If you are interested in purchasing JuvaFlex, please visit my other website at
Click on Product Line to view more information about JuvaFlex. (You can type JuvaFlex in the search box).
To order- click on Sign up Here if you do not already have a Young Living account. This is where you set one up.

***The above information is for educational purposes only. The product is not intended to Cure, Treat, Prevent or Diagnose any Disease. Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. Dilution recommended for both topical and internal use. Dilute before using on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, genital area, etc. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid using on infants and very small children.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Shampoo Alternative- that Saves Money

Did you ever wonder why we need to shampoo and condition our hair, continuously. What did Adam and Eve do? They didn't buy shampoo.

I don't think so.

People only began stripping their hair of all it's natural oils, for the last 100+ years. Previously man used all-natural soaps, that wash out with non-treated water. Town or municipal water that is treated, makes it difficult for natural oils to wash out. Shampoo was introduced and marketed to work with Soft and Hard water.

But Shampoo is made with harsh detergents that can cut heavy grease, like the grease in an auto-shop. Then to compensate for all that stripping, we use conditioners. After conditioning, we put in all kinds of other products to give our hair shape and volume, and to tame frizz.

You know that if you washed your hair gently, not as often, and without harsh chemicals, the natural oils in you scalp and hair would give it body and shape on it's own.

It's amazing- I always thought I had straight but frizzy hair. Since going natural my hair is wavy to curly and very full.

The following are some of my suggestions for going natural with your hair care. There is an adjustment time for your body to regulate from trying to overcompensate all that oil stripping. That is why your hair will seem extra greasy so quickly. Hang tough- until it regulates. That can be 1-3 months.

**Reasons you may want to get off regular shampoo. Dandruff, Psoraisis, Itchy, or burning scalp, Hair loss. All of these things may improve by ridding the harsh chemicals you put on your hair.

1. Washing with Baking Soda and Vinegar and Young Living Purification Essential Oil:

In pint jar, put about 1 inch of baking soda, 1 drop of  Purification oil, and fill to the top with distilled water. Put a lid on the jar and shake. Then in another jar, fill 1/3 of the way with Apple Cider Vinegar and top off with more distilled water.(Both jars should last a few washings. Refill when empty.) When you wash your hair, first use the baking soda mixture and definitely massage enough into your hair and scalp. Leave on few a minute or 2. Then rinse very well. Follow that first wash with the Apple Cider Vinegar. This step is a must! Do not skip! Again massage the scalp well and rinse thoroughly.

After bathing, towel dry well and as your hair dries you can smooth a teeny bit of Extra Virgin Coconut oil over your hair. (If so desired).

 Citronella , lemongrass, rosemary, Melaleuca, lavandin, and myrtle.

2. Young Living has amazing, really clean shampoos. Without harsh chemicals. I like to do the baking soda wash with vinegar, and then sometimes switch it up by using the Lavender Mint shampoo and Lavender Mint conditioner. I have tried soo many natural, organic products that either do not work, or irritate my skin. Young Living's shampoo is very good quality. You only need a little bit. It leave your scalp feeling refreshed, and tingly from the Peppermint essential oil. It's a treat!

To see full list of ingredients for the shampoo and/ or conditioner.. go to and click on product line, then look under the personal care section. To order, you have to click on Sign Up Here and choose to be either a customer or distributor (saving 24%).

The above statements are not FDA approved. The information is for educational purposes only. Not intended to Cure, Prevent, Treat, or Diagnose any disease.

Monday, November 4, 2013

REPLACE the Chemicals in your House, and Save MONEY

The next series of posts, will be related to tips on how to save money using Young Living. Most people think- "How am I going to afford these products?" At first glance some seem very expensive. But you have to realize that they are highly concentrated, and mostly all diluted. After dilution- you will see that your cleaner or oil will last a long time. You are saving because- the products are healthier for you. You may not have as many doctor's visits, trips to the pharmacy, etc.

The first product I want to share is Young Living's Thieves Household Cleaner. This product is amazing! I love it! You can replace all of your icky chemicals with it. Get rid of your dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, cleaning sprays, what you wash the floor with, even dish soap. Anything you may already be using for cleaning can be changed over to Thieves.

Proprietary suspension of safe surfactants (wetting agents) and Thieves® essential oil (a proprietary blend of 100% pure Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils of clove [Syzygium aromaticum], lemon [Citrus limon], cinnamon bark [Cinnamomum verum], eucalyptus [E. radiata] and rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol].

Tips on how to use this product. First you will need a few empty spray bottles. Don't necessarily buy cheap flimsy dollar store bottles. Get a better quality. This will be a one time purchase, so you won't have to keep buying them.
1. For washing dishes. Put about 1/2 a cap of Thieves into the bottle and fill with water. Spray your dishes as you are washing. NO dishpan hands!
2. For the washing machine. You should also get a big box of baking soda. Put 1 capful of Thieves into the wash for a Large load as well as 1/2-3/4's cup baking soda.
3. For Mopping- I either use another spray bottle. I have a bunch made up, like the one for the sink and keep them around the house. You can vary the strength of the Thieves by how much you mix with water. It doesn't require a lot. Sometimes I just spray the floor and use a dry dust mop to mop up. Quick and easy.
4. Tubs- It took me while to figure this out. If you use your Thieves, undiluted- it really gets the grease fast. I didn't want to use my Thieves so quickly, so I again use a spray bottle and a little baking soda on a scouring pad. THIS WORKS AWESOME!

**I could go on and on- see for yourself! Come up with your own ways to use Thieves.

Thieves smells great! Everyone will love it! Add up the cost of what you spend each month and see the difference. Thieves comes in two size bottles. A 14.4 oz bottle for about $22.00 if you have a wholesale account. The larger size is 64.4 oz. and around $80.00 wholesale. The smaller bottle should be enough for all your needs the entire month!! Go to my website at and click on the product catalog to view the Retail cost. (Deduct 24% to see the difference you'd receive with wholesale). Then go to Sign Up Here and you can order as either a distributor and receive wholesale or as a retail customer and pay full price. You won't really save though if you pay retail.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

School of Natural Healing

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