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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tofu in your Tacos

Tofu-. I'm not a vegetarian, but I definitely like vegetarian dishes from time to time. When I can get a large amount of tofu on sale- this is a dish I like to make.

First you need to marinate the tofu. Open your package and drain the water. Slice the tofu into 1/2" thick pieces. Lay the slices on paper towels to drain for about 10-15 minutes. Then set all of your tofu slices into a large baking dish. (Just to marinate). I eyeball the recipe. Sorry! That's just the way I cook. Typically, unless you have a lot of tofu, the following will be plenty. The type of tofu that works best is Organic Firm.

1/2 cup water
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Cup Bragg's liquid Aminos (or Soy Sauce)
2 T. Raw Sugar
1 Tsp. ground Ginger
2 Tsp. ground Garlic

Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl. Pour over your tofu. If there doesn't seem to be enough, make another batch. What I usually do is prep this item first. While I'm making the rest of my meal I agitate the baking dish every 10 minutes. (Let tofu soak for an hour at least). I grill my tofu first on my Foreman grill to cook off the rest of the water and make it -a little crunchy. Now I usually make one meal with the tofu this way, and then Tacos on the second day with the leftovers.

Basically you are just substituting your tofu for ground beef, turkey etc. I take my leftover tofu out of the fridge and dice it into bit-sized pieces. Put all of the pieces into a small pot and add about 1/4 cup water. Then shake Taco seasonings over the tofu and cook on med. I use a packet or pre-mixed Taco Seasonings. I don't like to use too much, so I shake to taste. Cook until mixture simmers. Prepare all of the other fixings for tacos and use the tofu in place of meat. My kids just love it!

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